To convert (source: Bank of Albania): {amount} {sell symbol} {buy symbol}
e.g. to convert 100.5 Euro in Albanian Lek (exchange rate from Bank of Albania): 100.5 EUR ALL

Bollinger Band ® calculation by default is based on 20-day (week / month) simple moving average.
Moving Average (Simple) (SMA): S{number}, e.g. S20 for 20-day (week / month) simple moving average.
Moving Average (Exponential) (EMA): E{number}, e.g. E20 for 20-day (week / month) exponential moving average.
Moving Average (Double Exponential) (DEMA): D{number}, e.g. D100 for 100-day (week / month) double exponential moving average.

Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) calculation by default is based on 8-, 17- and 9-day (week / month) exponential moving average.
Rate of Change (ROC) calculation by default is based on 12-day (week / month) price change.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) calculation by default is based on 14-day average.

Use the secondary click to draw a (trend) line. To delete, hold down the alt key (option on mac) and click on it.